I think drivers are afraid of the electricity bill.
Slidin Fast
JoinedPosts by Slidin Fast
Vehicle manufacturers are ripping off UK drivers!
by The Fall Guy invast numbers of vehicles sold in britain are sub-standard quality.
so many vehicle's indicators/turn signals only function when the steering wheel is turned to exit a motorway, overtake other vehicles, or to turn right or left at junctions.
more often than not, they just don't work at all!
Just a moan - regarding the latest trend in ignorance of the English language!
by The Fall Guy inin recent months i have noticed more and more people on the net (including here) are using this latest perversion of the english language -.
"i would of done this..........or he would of tried to change things".
it's would've - short for would have!.
Slidin Fast
I think a huge contributory factor is that people don't read. If they absorb all their information from screens and tiny snippets of illiterate text.
So my recommendation to anyone is READ, READ, READ.
Washington Post - Front Page Expose on Mormon Church Billions Tax Fraud
by POs Son inthe wapo has a front page expose on the mormon church avoiding taxes on billions of dollars under the cloak of religion.
link here: (need to disable popups).
washington post online.
Slidin Fast
There will be some guys wriggling in their seats reading this in the treasury dept Warwick NY. -
Science and Watchtower's astounding ignorance
by Diogenesister inwell these goof balls at jwbroadcast apparently think the study of pure science means not having any "practical application".
oi vey.
sanderson may speak russian but he is so ill educated he appears to think that researching a subject and formulating a theory about it means that's the end of it - in other words he's saying it has no practical use.
Slidin Fast
This is the most breath-taking example of complacent ignorance I can remember. At least since the last one from the same source.
One of my favourite programs is the BBC's The Life Scientific, it interviews scientists, looks at their achievements, and hears of their lives and path to making the breakthroughs they have made. However for everyone at the sharp end of these sucesses there are thousands who's work will never be directly world benefiting. Without those though we wouldn't have the other.
Professor Martha Clokie is studying hospital acquired bacterial infections and how viruses can be used to fight them. Yes you effing tit, yes you Mark Sanderson, these infections kill hundreds of thousands per year. The evolution of these bacteria is making antibiotics ineffective. If you had your way, they would have no one to understand them, far leas fight them.
Professor Elizabeth Fisher spent 13 years trying to get a human gene into mice. What a useless life? Oh! It's to help study motor neurone disease.
For anyone in the UK, this series,The Life Scientific,is refreshing. food at the proper time. I recommend it.
Greta Thunberg...what’s your view of her?
by minimus inshe certainly is passionate about climate change.
Slidin Fast
But she is better at preaching.
Can someone compare the midweek meeting now to what it was say in the 60`s - 80`s ?
by smiddy3 ini can`t believe the tidbits i`m finding out about the changes ,dumbing down of the meetings i used to attend and participate in up until the late 1980`s ...
Slidin Fast
neat blue, you are right, there is still opportunity on occasion. One problem is that there are very few talks now, especially for a none "appointed man" like me.
I get an occasional bible reading, not much room for creativity there although come to think I've had some fun with pausing and emphasis. Other than that there are sometimes presentations, 2 or 3 minutes. I always do those extemporaneously, unrehearsed. I've had some fun with those also. It frightens the householder to death. The cong loves it. They like a bit of entertainment.
Can someone compare the midweek meeting now to what it was say in the 60`s - 80`s ?
by smiddy3 ini can`t believe the tidbits i`m finding out about the changes ,dumbing down of the meetings i used to attend and participate in up until the late 1980`s ...
Slidin Fast
I go armed with my trusty iPad. I open the approved app on which every word of the meeting content is provided. (This doesn't require much disk space). Then I open my Kindle app and lose myself in the latest book I am reading.
Yes as a locked in PIMO, these meetings are at least tolerable. Every now and then I stick my hand up and read a scripture. I sometimes answer but only perhaps on a factual matter or my own spin on something, never the party line.
By contrast, in times gone past there was some meat to look at. It may have been rancid and full of poison but it did require some "research" and mental exercise. Talks were the product of your own research and could be laced with your own creativity and imagination and could thus be quite enjoyable. Now, they are totally a rehash of the provided material, no deviation, no individual flair. Without Kindle I would despair.
JW's revelling in their online statistic...
by The Fall Guy in...that their web site is the most translated in the world.. https://www.tomedes.com/translator-hub/most-translated-website.php.
do jw's genuinely believe that statistics prove divine backing?
you can fool some of the people some of the time...there are lies, damned lies, and statistics!.
Slidin Fast
Yes and according to today's WT that results in 230 BS requests a day. Yes I said BS.
That number seems pathetic to me. 83,950 per year. That would include all sorts of none serious, phantom or prank requests and of course one a small percentage of those starting a study would get to baptism. I think I would have kept that little bit of info to myself.
"Get Over It!"
by The Bethelite inthis is what my children tell me... get over the whole jehovah's witness thing!
yes, they tell me they have gotten over the whole thing and they tell me that and i need to also.
my exgirl friend who was raised as a jw also has said the same thing.. my children say they got over it, however they are quick to point out how messed up their lives are now because of no college education and other missed opportunities.
Slidin Fast
I started to try and respond to this last night, you deserve encouragement so here goes.
There is a route through it. Of course, living in the past, obsessing over it and having no other interest or motivation in life is not healthy. The life lived, the sum of our experiences however is who we are. We can't pretend it didn't happen or didn't affect us.
Somewhere, there is healthy and a positive outlook on life. I think that your kids recognise that and are trying to help you look forward a little. I read your book, I think it will help all who read it but try to look forward and build something for yourself now.
So, you don't have to get over it, but you can get on with it. We all know the selfish bastards suck the life out of people, now is the time to be a little selfish and look after yourself.
The first thing people who go and serve in refugee camps learn is that they don’t give their sustenance to others even though they may be starving, what good are you to others if you succumb yourself. You have written painful accounts of your own experiences, they helped me, and I am sure, others. So, it is not selfish to look after your own mental strength. Try to understand how you have helped others by looking back but now you need to look forward.
Great Crowd and a pair of elephants, invisible.
by waton infor lurkers: current study article 1st december wt.
in sept. study edition.
details hidden in the discussion: a pair of 'elephants in the room', and their calves.
Slidin Fast
Of course, that thinking was influenced by two incorrect assumptions: (1) that the great crowd would reside in heaven and (2) that the great crowd would be made up of less zealous Christians."
And (3) They know WTF they are talking about